
Gateway Center

Participates in the Pittsburgh 2030 District. For more information on this program visit: The Pittsburgh 2030 District is an internationally recognized, locally driven initiative that supports building owners and managers as they strive toward 50% reductions in energy use, water consumption, and transportation emissions by 2030, while improving indoor air quality.

There is more ‘green’ at Gateway Center than the plazas!

What Hertz is Doing:


* Cleaning chemicals are ‘green’ products.
* Chemicals are dispensed through filling stations - bottles are refilled/reused and also the exact amount
   needed for the job is dispensed (no waste).

* Paper products are Kimberly Clarke (K/C) products:
* K/C maintains a forestry replacement/management program.
* K/C  is a  member of the Green Building Council.
* Products made from a percentage of recycled materials.
* Single-Sort recycling program (glass, metal, plastic, paper, and cardboard can be placed in the same
   container for sorting off-site).

Energy Management:

* Extensive preventative maintenance program to ensure equipment is running at peak efficiency.
* Reduction in fan operation – temperature is maintained during business with fans powered down
   at a prescribed time.

* Timer and motion sensor lighting being installed in restrooms and storage areas to prevent energy waste.
* Energy efficient T-8 lamps are used throughout the complex.
* Isolated building systems within vacant spaces to reduce energy usage.
* Lower level lighting is reduced on weekends.
* Solar film applied to the windows of One, Two, and Three Gateway Center.
* Exit signs being replaced with efficient LED technology.
* Aerators installed on restroom sinks use water more efficiently. 

What You Can Do:

* Reduce products entering the waste stream.
* Example: Use a refillable water bottle/water filtration system rather than disposing of 100’s of plastic
   water bottles (even recycling these utilizes precious natural resources).

* Power down equipment when not in use.
* In areas without occupancy sensors, turn out lights when leaving a room/area.
* Run water when needed – not continuously.

Did You Know:
* Both plazas are actually large green roofs covering parking structures.
* Gateway Center utilizes water from the Allegheny River rather than cooling towers for heating
   and cooling. The  water returned to the river is purified and cleaner than when received. This
   is all   monitored by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).